TOP Table Of Contents >> General
This section provides users with the ability to customize any aspect of the layout as they see fit.
Content Visibility
The content-visibility property controls.
The Width option allows you to configure the width of the table of contents. By default, it is set to 100%.
Padding can be set up (Upside, Downside, Left, Right) based on the user’s requirements.
Depending on the layout, users can use the upper, lower, left or right margin.
Background color
Indicate which colors you would like to use.
Depending on the setting, the border is displayed either upwards, downwards, left or right.
Border radius
Can Enable border radius of the table of contents using the layout option
Box Shadow
The Box Shadow option lets you control the shadow.
Sticky sidebar (Pro)
It is one of the most desired features for the user to have the Slidebar TOC available for their use. If you don’t want a Sidebar TOC, turn it off.
Sticky potion ( Pro )
The special TOC sidebar should appear at the position you specify. It can be displayed either to the left or to the right
Width ( Pro )
Users can change the size of the TOC sidebar to suit their needs.
Z-Index ( Pro )
It allows the user to set the value of the Z-Index if they need to insert a Z-Index value.
Slide button background color ( Pro )
The slider TOC slide button background color can be customized from here.
Slide button icon color( Pro )
It is possible to customize the icon of the slider button here.
Generator configuration
The generator configuration options allow modifying the TOC with some special conditions such as Show when headings exceed a certain number or declaring the Top-level heading, Heading depth, and Exclude heading.