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I want to import XML file, where I will have names of all badges for all products, but what shortcode do I need to use in import for badges?
I tried with wpbm-wpbm_choose_badge and more shortcodes, but nothing..
Your questions are not clear to me, I could not understand what are you trying to say please explain more.
I have XML (or CSV) docs like:
SKU: 1234 badge: NAMEB
In ALL BADGES I have badge with names like “NAMEB” and all other names…
I have WALLIMPORT PRO. Record in a file that will be matched with products on site based on SKU,
But, I am not sure what to choose, which data to update (its custom fields) Here is PrintScreen:
I sent you the Loom video, check it and let me know about details, but please asap.
i sent you email
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